Lea Berndorfer
Wealth distribution in Austria

Science & Technology

Commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
The infographic illustrates the unfair distribution of wealth in Austria. To illustrate this I decided to depict the fight for a piece of the pie: the euro-cake represents the total wealth in Austria, while one fork represents one percent of the population. The rich live rosy lives while the less well-off have to fight for a small piece of the pie.

How was the illustration used:
The client requested a data visualization on the distribution of wealth in Austria as a poster to use as a giveaway for their clients.

How did you make this work:
The data was provided by the client, how I wanted to represent the numbers was up to me. The sketches were created with pencil on paper. The final illustrations were created with analog acrylic painting and digital postediting in Photoshop and Illustrator.

Commissioner Company :
Momentum Institut - Verein für sozialen Fortschritt

Social Media:

Personal Website:

HAW Hamburg

Currently Based:
Hamburg, Germany

Lea Berndorfer is an illustrator based in Hamburg, Germany. She is specialized on colorful editorials and infographics, preferably with relevant content and added value. With a mix of analog acrylic painting and digital post-editing Lea illustrates complex topics in a picturesque way. She is currently finishing her Master in Illustration at the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg (HAW).

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