Carlo Giovani
George Orwell - Animal Farm - Brazilian Edition

Book Covers

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
The publisher Edipro commissioned me to create the cover for the Brazilian edition of Orwell's classic, Animal Farm as they looking for a bright, colourful and "pop" version for the cover.

How was the illustration used:
The illustration was used for the cover of the Brazilian edition of Animal Farm.

How did you make this work:
I've made the illustration using papercut and collage on layers creating a threedimensional effect. After the original was done I shot the photo of the illustration to make the final adjustments digitally.

Commissioner Name :
Carla Bettelli
Commissioner Company :
Edipro Publisher

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Carlo Giovani is a Graphic Designer and Illustrator. Along with his career, he has constantly researched different techniques and styles, combining them, in search of unusual and creative illustrations, mostly made on paper, a material that has a central space in the artist's style. His work can be seen in several media such as books, advertisements, magazines, packaging, and much more.

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