Luisa Jung
Brain Fables

Science & Technology

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I was commissioned by the authors of Brain Fables to create the cover art as well as 15 chapter illustrations for their neuroscientific book. Each chapter illustration had to depict a specific stage in the researcher's journey of exposing the faults in the way neurodegenerative brain disorders have been researched and treated so far.

How was the illustration used:
Book cover and chapter illustrations (print and e-book)

How did you make this work:
The illustrations were created digitally.

Commissioner Name :
Alberto Espay and Benjamin Stecher
Commissioner Company :
Alberto Espay and Benjamin Stecher
Commissioned for:
Cambridge University Press

Social Media:

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Currently Based:

Luisa Jung was born in Buenos Aires, she is both an illustrator and an architect. Her work spans from analogue collage to digital art. Her client portfolio includes renowned names such as the New York Times, Der Spiegel and Cambridge University Press. Luisa lives and works in Cologne, Germany.

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