Anna Steinberg
Agony: A Poem of Genocide


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
This was a commission from Live Canon, to illustrate a reflective response to a book length poem on the theme of genocide.

How was the illustration used:
A book cover and ten inside illustrations to accompany a long poem about the history of genocide by war correspondent Mark Huband.

How did you make this work:
Printing ink was applied to paper with a roller, scanned in and digitally cut and collaged. I wanted to compliment the text, without re-iterating it, and convey the message of the horror in a way that would encourage contemplation.

Commissioner Name :
Helen Eastman
Commissioner Company :
Live Canon

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Anna studied at the Kent Institute of Art and Design, and Bath College of Higher Education, and is now a freelance illustrator and lecturer. Commissions have included the editorial, publishing and design sectors. Her work has been selected for exhibitions in a number of awards and her submission to the London Transport Museum / AOI Poster Prize for illustration won the silver award in 2019.
