Owen Davey

Design Product & Packaging

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I was given a brief by the creator of Mythopedia to create some artworks that helped to sum up these ancient cultures and stories and provide a visual intrigue

How was the illustration used:
Throughout a website, as banners and headers to different pages, including the welcome page and individual civilisation pages. These civilisations include Norse, Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian, Roman, Aztec, Celtic and Greek.

How did you make this work:
These were created digitally with Photoshop and Illustrator. I tried to take inspiration from each culture but form things in my own modern way so that their individual identities were maintained but that they felt at ease together in the brand. I used a limited colour palette to help further tie these very different cultures and their aesthetics together.

Commissioner Name :
Alexander Dixon
Commissioner Company :

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Currently Based:
United Kingdom

Owen Davey is an award-winning Illustrator from the UK. Over the last 11 years, he has worked with a number of varied clients, including Google, Facebook, Sony, Lego, National Geographic and WWF. He illustrates the multi-award winning app Two Dots and his numerous picture books have been published in every continent except Antartica.

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