2017 | Shortlist

Image Type: multiple

Usage: These illustrations are used for the website, to accompany the different stages and areas at the Greenman Festival. They're used at different sizes and crops for the desktop and mobile browsers of www.greenman.net

Process: I did Pencil sketches, and worked those up in Photoshop after 2 revisions.

Materials: Pencil and Photoshop.

Formats: A3 sketches, worked up in Photoshop, and used for the website www.greenman.net

Brief Requirements: The over-arching theme is that of "discovery". We want the illustrations to reflect the spirit of the festival and the inquisitive nature of the people attending the event. There should also be extra emphasis of the individual event areas as reference points for the illustration subject matter.

Key Brief Ideas: The brief fits my work well, so I went all out with objects and plants, that may or may not exist. The client wanted me to use as little characters as possible, so I had to 'characterize' the objects and plants even more to make the images still interesting.

Commissioned For: Green Man Festival

Commissioner Company: Bread Collective


    Green Man FestivalGreen Man Festival Image