Lisa Sheehan ‘Asillo3D’


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Commissioned for Women's Health magazine to illustrate 'Grazed and Confused' an article on how our snack habits have changed. This was a fun project looking at how snacks have changed into a billion dollar industry. This was also a creative challenge for me having been my first 'fun food' typographic illustration. I was given the free reign to choose the snacks/layout and composition.

How was the illustration used:
This image was used editorially as a full page opener on an article titled 'Grazed and Confused' in Women's Health magazine August 2019

How did you make this work:
I began by sketching the typography, using a twisted ‘confused’ layout helped to accentuate the title of the article. I created a detailed hand sketch that was then taken into Cinema 4D to use as a guide. The letters were modelled from scratch and textures built. I was given free reign over the initial snacks used and the composition/layout. Other software used post prod: Illustrator/Photoshop.

Commissioner Name :
Adam Gerrard
Commissioner Company :
Women's Health, published by Hearst Magazines

Social Media:

Personal Website:
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Currently Based:
I am based in Bedfordshire, UK

Lisa Sheehan, studied at Kingston University and is based in the UK, is a 2D/3D ‘image maker’ creating CGI illustrations that are often typographical with a pop of colour. Lisa loves to create fun pieces with detailed delicate forms as well as mixing 2D and 3D to create illustrations for the advertising and editorial sector. Previous clients include: The New York Times, Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan, The Financial Times, Business Life Magazine, The Washington Post, Fabulous magazine and Tesco.

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