Lizzie Harper
FSC Guide to the Non-native Plant Species of Britain & Ireland

Science & Technology

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Field Studies Council Publications required 35 accurate botanical illustrations of non-native UK plant species for use on an identification chart

How was the illustration used:
The illustrations appear in a fold-out identification chart which can be taken into the field, and used to easily identify plants growing in situ. The chart is aimed both at people keen on nature and on professionals such as ecologists and scientists in the field who need to recognize and record the distribution of non-native plant species.

How did you make this work:
These illustrations were created in watercolour from sketchbook studies, living specimens (where possible), and online reference. Details such as cross sections, ligules, and flower sections were either done from plant specimens or from a variety of references. All the species are traditional watercolour botanical illustrations done with watercolour paint on hotpress watercolour paper.

Commissioner Name :
Dr Rebecca Farley-Brown
Commissioner Company :
Field Studies Council Publications, UK

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Currently Based:

Lizzie is a full-time free-lance natural history and botanical illustrator with over 25 years of experience. Clients include publishers, environmental charities and organisations, packaging designers, postal stamp companies, and private commissions both in the UK and internationally. She is constantly amazed and inspired by the natural world, and works happily from her home studio in the Welsh borders.

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