Sonja Stangl
RAU - nature based cuisine


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
RAU is a restaurant in upper Austria, surrounded by stunning nature and located on the edge of a natural reserve. It offers artful cuisine, while in tune with nature and supporting the local community. The Illustrations should represent the character of it and the feeling of being in tune with your surroundings. Key words: slightly magic, curious, emotional, nature, rough/edgy, stylised

How was the illustration used:
print adverts, posters, post cards, business material, menu,... whole restaurant communication

How did you make this work:
RAU translates as "rough", representing the nature and people in this remote place. As it speaks of the wildness of nature in harmony with fine human touches, I created illustrations combining wild inky strokes/smears with fine, little characters. Similar the way humans refine nature in the art of cuisine, but also dreaming of a more fair and harmonic relationship between mankind and nature.

Commissioner Name :
Klemens Schraml
Commissioner Company :
RAU nature-based cuisine

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Sonja Stangl is living and working as Illustrator and Designer in Vienna, Austria. In 2012 she graduated from University in Salzburg where she studied Multimedia Art. Since then she has been working as a professional on a wide range of projects, with clients in advertising, animation and kid's education.

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