Fiona Woodcock

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
My idea was to produce a vibrant and playful story using double 'o' words. The 'OO' letters were incorporated within the illustration to encourage children to engage with both words and pictures together. It's a celebration of both the sound and shape of words, telling the story of a day starting with the cock-a-doodle-doo of a rooster through to the hoot of the owl at bedtime.

How was the illustration used:
In a 40 page hardback picture book. 241 x 241mm

How did you make this work:
The concept dictated the approach and it needed to be carefully designed with clear images that communicated the meaning of each word, whilst also showing a larger story about a trip to the zoo. The typography and illustrations were created with hand cut rubber stamps, stencils, children's blow pens, acrylic paint and additional pencil work which were all composited digitally.

Commissioner Name :
Virginia Duncan Editor at Greenwillow Books (US) also published by Harper Collins (UK)
Commissioner Company :
Greenwillow Books

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After graduating from Glasgow School of Art, Fiona worked in animation before specialising in picture books. Her debut book ‘Hiding Heidi' and Illustrations for ‘A Dot in the Snow' were both nominated for The Kate Greenaway Award. Working in her London studio, Fiona plays with storytelling, pattern and character design. Experimenting with blo pens, rubber stamps and printing techniques.

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