Pablo Salvaje

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
As a journeyer and explorer, I cite nature as my greatest source of inspiration, There is always a memory and a story to be uncovered in the logs and rocks I collect. Also really caring and aware about a global change in today's individual and hectic world, my prints try to reveal all these stories accordingly. The main challenge of my work is to awake awareness in the most poetic and positive way

How was the illustration used:
Children books, (Nathan, Prestel, Random House and Mosquito editions.)

How did you make this work:
I've been always surrounded by the machines of my parent's old print shop, so my technique is absolutely handmade and my passion for ink and paper, is the main reason for doing this thorough and delicated work. More than 300 stamps, grouped in the most magic way. Each animal, background and every single page in this book is a handmade work to tell the most surprising animal curiosities.

Commissioner Name :
Mosquito Books, The spanish publishier with who I develop the book.
Commissioner Company :
Mosquito Books Barcelona
Commissioned for:

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