Inspired to Innovate: an exhibition of cutting-edge illustration by AOI Members

Laurie Rowan

The AOI is delighted to present ‘Inspired to Innovate’, a new exhibition by its members at Hoxton Arches, Hackney, East London. This October, we explore what it means to be innovative in the context of illustration, asking; how can this versatile medium be stretched to its creative limits?

Hoxton Arches, Cremer Street, London, E2 8HD
10 – 12 October, 2019 (Open 12pm – 6pm daily)
Free entry

Workshops and other events can be booked here 

Aleesha Nandhra

Demonstrating the breadth of exciting new processes being used today, the exhibition includes prints, animations, three-dimensional work, lettering, paper-engineering, and more.

Jasmine Seo

Featuring work by leading experimental illustrators including Laurie Rowan, Anna Mill, Sam Pierpoint and Doug John Miller, the exhibition showcases an array of work using new apps and software as well as traditional mediums. Many of the illustrators featured in the exhibition will show work that is a call to arms to inspire those in other industries to innovate environmentally and technologically.

YiVon Cheng

The exhibition features current members at varying stages of their careers. It is curated by the AOI (also known for the acclaimed World Illustration Awards), who have programmed a series of events for practicing and aspiring illustrators that delve into what it means to be innovative in terms of practice and business.

Doug John Miller


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