Marketing Yourself with Bikini lists

Ross MacRae is the self named head Honcho at Bikini Lists. Based in Scotland Bikini Lists is the go to marketing service for creatives – including illustrators. GDPR approved, and user friendly to boot, it’s a sure fire way to reach those commissioners you want to see your work. We spoke to Ross about his work, and found out more about the business.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your journey to this role?

I began working at a Soho computer graphics firm in 1984, after graduating in Design & Illustration. Repped by Illustration Ltd in London, I was creating CGI images for ad campaigns, record covers, magazines, publishing and TV titles when digital Illustration was in its infancy.

Then I became a broadcast television designer producing idents, titles and content for news and current affairs programmes before I started creating websites in the mid-nineties for Ad Agencies and Media Companies.

I launched BikiniLists from my attic in 1996 with 2000 UK creative contacts. 20 plus years later we now have over 60,000 commissioners in our global database and a team of 20 people keeping up to date with all of that.


What’s a ‘typical day’ for you?

6am – off to the Gym (well… some days).

8.30am  – Cycle to Bikini Towers.

Morning meeting with the team and check in with the account management team to see what’s new.


That’s the end of the “typical”!


The rest of the day could be any combination of:

– Demoing the website to illustrators, photographers reps and others who register on the site.

– Checking the progress of the research teams to make sure we are getting the right contacts for our subscribers.

– Planning our own marketing and promotions with the creative team.

– Developing new upgrades and data sets for the site – we’re always updating and offering the best service for our customers.


Then I’ll cycle home sometime after 6pm.


Can you tell us about Bikini Lists?

We help Illustrators, Reps and others creatives find new clients in Agencies, Editorial and Brands worldwide. Customers can access lists of commissioners and their contact details, and our bespoke BikiniEmail mailing system lets them reach out to them monthly, weekly – or as they see fit.

Our industry-savvy researchers hunt down Art Buyers, Art Directors, Designers and Digital Creatives so you don’t have to.  We’ve done a lot of work to make sure we comply with GDPR regulations, so we are a totally trustworthy platform in a challenging new landscape. Our customers love that.


Why should illustrators use Bikini Lists?

Illustrators are brilliant at illustrating. We are brilliant at getting lists of clients, keeping those up to date and finding great new commissioners to reach out to.  We do what we do best – so are freed up to do what you best: Creating great work.


How do you make your work stand out to commissioners?

You’ve got to send the RIGHT content. To the RIGHT people. In the RIGHT way.


What are your top tips for using Bikini lists?

Use it! Too many creative people just don’t market themselves… yet they want to work for clients to help THEM market themselves.


Do regular super targeted promotions every 2 -3 months to the people who have projects that are right for your work. Then follow up to start building a relationship with them.


How do illustrators sign up?

AOI have negotiated a great deal for illustrators of around £100 off the stated price. We’ve gone even further for AOI members to get another 10% off that. It’s a cracking deal and you can get it here.

It’s only £385.00 plus VAT. Invest in yourself… you deserve it : )

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