Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before submitting work for the WIA 2020 competition. You will be prompted to agree to the Terms and Conditions before you submit an entry.

You can also download a copy of the terms and conditions for your records.

By making a payment for your entry you agree that you have accepted these Terms and Conditions.

1. Submitting work

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1.1. Registration

1.1.1. To submit work to the competition entrants must register or sign in with their AOI account by entering their name and email address into the registration form. The website will auto-generate a password to login to the site and access the entry form.

1.1.2. These login details should be kept safe, as they will be required again if an entry is shortlisted.

1.2. Entering Work

1.2.1. Works to the Awards must be entered via the dedicated online form by the end of the final deadline day. Works entered after this date will be included in the competition at the discretion of AOI staff. The decision of the AOI will be final.

1.2.2. Entrants can make an unlimited number of entries in as many different categories as they wish.

1.2.3. Only entries that have been paid for by the final deadline will be considered for the competition.

1.2.4. Work can be entered by either:

• Illustrators entering their own work


• A third party such as a commissioner (entering work they have commissioned from an illustrator), agent (a representative of the illustrator) or tutor (for example a University lecturer or supervisor) where they have the permission of the illustrator to do so.

1.2.5. Entries should be entered as either:

• New Talent, defined as work by a student enrolled on a further or higher education course of study, or a graduate since January 2019, at point of submission; The AOI reserves the right to request proof of status, if required at any point in the competition;


• Professional, defined as work by a professional illustrator or any illustrator not classified as Student.

1.2.6. Entries can be submitted as either:

• A Single Entry (one image per entry, or a direct link URL to a moving image work, with a lead image (e.g. screenshot) for reference;


• A Multiple Entry (up to five images from the same project per entry, or a combination of images and direct link URLs from the same project). Multiple Entries should be used to showcase different elements of the same project (e.g. book cover plus inside spreads, a series of gifs for a website campaign, different angles of a mural etc.).

1.2.7. Work can be entered into any category by New Talent or Professional entrants that has been commissioned (e.g. by a publisher, editor, business), or that the illustrator has initiated themselves (e.g. for their portfolio, website, or to test new ideas). Works entered with the illustrator’s own details listed as the commissioner will be changed to uncommissioned status.

1.2.8. The same project can be entered into more than one category, but must be uploaded and paid for separately.

1.2.9. Images must be submitted in .jpg, .gif or .png formats (not .jpeg). Images can be up to 4MB and 3000px wide. 1.2.10. URLs should be direct links to moving image work (e.g. a YouTube or Vimeo link direct to the work). URLs must not be links to general websites or password protected and will not be considered if so. Ineligible or broken URL links will be removed from entries prior to viewing by the judges.

1.2.11. Work must be entered into one of the ten categories per entry which are:

• Advertising
• Book Covers
• Children’s Publishing
• Commercial Publishing
• Alternative Publishing
• Design, Product & Packaging
• Editorial
• Exploration
• Science & Technology
• Site Specific

Either Single or Multiple Entries can be entered into any category.

1.2.12. The Awards are international and open to illustrators working in any medium, context or geographical location.

1.2.13. The Awards are open to illustrators aged 18 or over.

1.2.14. Entries must have been created or published during the 2019 calendar year, up until the final deadline of the competition in February 2020.

1.2.15. Entries may not be submitted by current members of staff at the AOI or current members of the AOI’s Board of Directors, current AOI Patrons or directly by this year’s Judges.

1.2.16. Work commissioned by the AOI or Directory of Illustration cannot be entered into the competition.

1.3. Entry Fees

1.3.1. Entries to the Awards will only be fully submitted once payment has been made. Entry fees can be paid in three currencies: GB Pounds (£), US Dollars ($) and Euros (€). Any other currency will be converted by your card issuer at point of payment.

1.3.2. The following entry fees apply:

• GB Pounds – £29 per Single Entry, £49 per Multiple Entry (inclusive of VAT)
• Euro – € 34 per Single Entry, € 58 per Multiple Entry (inclusive of VAT)
• US Dollars – $33 per Single Entry, $60 per Multiple Entry

Conversion rates apply and may vary for entries made in other currencies. Please check with your bank.

1.3.3. Current AOI members at the time of payment are eligible for a 20% discount per entry, on an unlimited number of entries. Discounts are automatically applied at the checkout when logged in to the Member account.

1.3.4. Entry fees are non-refundable.

1.4. Warranty

1.4.1. The entrant warrants (guarantees) to the AOI that they have the right to submit work, that the image is original and does not infringe the rights of any other party. The entrant will indemnify and keep the AOI indemnified against all claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, losses and costs (including any legal costs or reasonable expenses properly incurred and any compensation, costs and disbursements paid by the AOI on the advice of the AOI’s legal advisers to compromise or settle any claim) occasioned to the AOI in consequence of any breach or alleged breach of this warranty.

2. Selection

2.1. Round One – Longlisting

2.1.1. Round One judging is completed online. All entries are presented anonymously. An independent chair for the category jury will review all entries, and pre-select a longlist for the other jurors to review. Approximately 500 entries to be put forward to the longlist on a pro-rata basis by category.

2.1.2. Entrants will be notified of the outcome of their entry via email. The judges’ decision is final.

2.2. Round Two – Shortlisting

2.2.1. Round Two judging is completed online. All longlisted entries are presented anonymously. The category jury (made up of three judges) views the entries per category and the supporting information. Work is marked as either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for shortlisting.

2.2.2. The judging criteria for shortlisted work are as follows:

• Excellent technical execution
• Effective communication of the idea
• Exploration of the artform

2.2.3. Approximately 200 works in total will be shortlisted from the longlisted entries on a pro-rata basis by category.

2.2.4. Entrants will be notified of the outcome of their entry via email. The judges’ decision is final.

2.3. Round Three – Highly Commended and Category Winner selection

2.3.1. Shortlisted entries selected as potential Category Winners are reviewed and discussed in Round Three by the category jury. The category jury selects a New Talent and a Professional Winner and a New Talent and Professional Highly Commended in each category.

2.3.2. The AOI reserves the right not to present an Award if the quality of entries in a particular category is deemed not high enough.

2.3.3. Category Winners will be notified of their selection in advance of the Awards Ceremony, but will be asked to keep this confidential until the public announcement on the Awards evening.

2.4. Round Four - New Talent and Professional Overall Award Winners selection

2.4.1. The final round of judging takes place after the category winners have been selected. The Overall Winners are announced for the first time at the Awards ceremony.

2.4.2. All Judges view all Category Winning work, discuss and vote for the Overall Winners.

2.4.3. The AOI reserves the right not to present an Overall Award if the quality of entries is deemed not high enough.

2.4.4. Overall New Talent and Professional Awards are presented for work that the judges consider to have made the most significant contribution to illustration in the time covered by the competition.

2.5. AOI Members Award

2.5.1. Any shortlisted AOI member (with a live membership) is eligible for consideration for the AOI Members Award, which will be awarded by an internal team at the AOI for the most engaging illustration by an AOI member.

2.6. The SAA Agents Award for New Talent

2.6.1. The Society of Artists Agents Award for New Talent will be judged by a panel of three SAA members from all eligible shortlisted entries..

2.7. DI Award

2.7.1. The Directory of Illustration Award will be chosen from the shortlisted professional entries by a panel of DI staff.

2.8. Innovation Award supported by It's Nice That

2.8.1. One of the shortlisted illustrators will be selected for the Innovation Award supported by It’s Nice That.  This will be awarded to a shortlisted work which displays considerable innovation and experimentation with the artform. It will be judged by It’s Nice That staff.

3. Promotion

3.1. Website

3.1.1. All longlisted entries will be included in the Awards section of the AOI website with a dedicated page per longlisted project. This will consist of the information submitted at the time of entry. Longlisted entrants will be given the opportunity to edit their entries prior to this going live. Amendments made after the longlist goes live can only be made by AOI staff, and may take up to ten working days to action.

3.1.2. Award Winners (Category winners and cross-category winners) will be profiled on an additional page on the AOI website.

3.2. Awards Ceremony

3.2.1. The Awards Ceremony takes place at the exhibition in London in October 2020, date to be confirmed.

3.2.2. All shortlisted entrants will be invited to the ceremony.

3.2.3. Award Winners will be presented with a trophy and any prizes at the Awards Ceremony.

3.2.3. The AOI is not able to fund travel costs or any other expenditure incurred by illustrators to attend the Awards Ceremony.

3.3. Exhibition

3.3.1. All Shortlisted, Highly Commended and Award-Winning work will be included in the Awards Exhibition in London in October 2020.

3.3.2. It is a condition of entering the competition that the work is made available for the Awards Showcase and Catalogue as a high res digital file to be uploaded to an image sharing service specified by the organisers.

3.3.3. Original artwork or supporting work (e.g. published books, packaging samples) may be requested in addition, at the discretion of the exhibition organisers.

3.3.4. It is a condition of entering that shortlisted entrants agree to pay a mandatory hanging fee of up to £50 + VAT for inclusion of their shortlisted entry in the exhibition. The hanging fee is waived for category award-winning projects.

3.3.5. Entrants are responsible for any costs incurred for sending any original artwork or supporting work to the AOI for inclusion in the Awards Exhibition. The AOI will not return exhibits unless agreed in advance. Entrants are responsible for organising and paying for the collection of their original artwork or supporting work (either in person or by courier) at the end of the Awards Exhibition. Such work not collected within 12 months of the end of the Awards Exhibition will become the property of the AOI.

3.3.6. It is the responsibility of the entrant to provide high resolution files and, if requested, original artwork or supporting work for the Awards Exhibition, and to follow instructions as to how and when that should be sent. Failure to do so may result in work not being exhibited.

3.3.7. The final method of print and display is the decision of the AOI or any agents instructed in the delivery and design of the Awards Exhibition.

3.3.8. The prints contained within the Awards Exhibition will not be available for sale, however illustrators may opt to sell prints of their work via the AOI’s online printstore, hosted in partnership with CreativeHub, subject to an AOI commission and Printspace costs.

3.3.9. The AOI reserves the right to organise a touring version of the Exhibition. Illustrators will be notified if their project is to be included. No further fees will be due for inclusion in the Tour.

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3.4.1. Prizes are not transferable, and cash will be paid in one lump sum only.

3.4.2. Prize winners are fully responsible for any taxes, fees or duties due in any country where they may be liable to pay such deductions. The AOI is not responsible for advising on tax issues relating to prizes.

3.4.3. Any advertised prizes are not exchangeable for cash, or any other good or service.

3.4.4. Any advertised prizes cannot be transferred to any other person and will only be given to the named creator of the winning entry (and not any third party that entered the submission).

3.4.5. Where physical products are awarded as part of a prize the winner must collect the prize on the Awards Night in 20120. Charges may apply for posting prizes that are not collected in person.

3.4.6. The AOI reserves the right to withdraw advertised prizes at any time should circumstances dictate such a measure is required and will not be liable to provide compensation or alternative prizes.

3.4.7. Cash awards are payable by cheque only in GBP only.

3.4.8. The AOI gives all Award Winners (Category Winners and cross category Award Winners) a year-long, complimentary AOI Membership + Folio with the usual terms of membership. The membership is not transferable, or exchangeable for cash, or any other goods or services.

3.4.9. Each category-winning illustrator is eligible to receive a maximum of one year’s complimentary AOI membership.

3.4. Tour

3.4.1. All Highly Commended and Award-Winning projects will be included in the touring exhibition (Tour).

3.4.2. Inclusion in the Tour is free.

3.4.3. The AOI reserves the right to share high res digital files with touring partners, to be printed to AOI specifications locally, only for the purposes of public exhibition.

3.5. Catalogue

3.5.1. All shortlisted and category winning work will be included in the Awards publication, which will be sent out to commissioners worldwide.

3.5.2. It is a condition of entering the competition that the AOI is granted a worldwide licence to reproduce selected work in the awards catalogue and any other print or digital material for the purposes of promoting the World Illustration Awards.

3.5.3. There are no fees for inclusion in the Awards catalogue.

3.5.4. Each shortlisted illustrator will receive one complimentary copy of the catalogue. Further copies will be available via the AOI’s online shop.

4. Additional Terms

4. Additional Terms

4.1. The entrant agrees that, as a condition of entry, the AOI may, without seeking further permission from the creator, share images and information from the entry uploaded to the AOI website on its social media platforms, in digital marketing materials, and with partners to share on their social media platforms and digital marketing materials.

4.2. The entrant agrees that if shortlisted, their selected entry (including image and supporting information), the name of the creator of the work and entrant’s website may be published on the AOI website.

4.3. The entrant agrees that if shortlisted their selected entry may be used by the AOI for the promotion of the competition, catalogue, exhibition, awards ceremony and exhibition tour on promotional materials including but not limited to:

• invitation cards
• press releases and press kits
• information leaflets
• postcards
• posters
• social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
• website
• e-newsletters

and thus grants the AOI a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide licence to reproduce and distribute the entry in volume and/or digital form for 24 months from the date the competition closes for entries.

4.4. Any third party submitting an entry (tutor, commissioner, agent or other) is responsible for contacting the copyright holder to ensure his/her consent to these terms. Any other use of shortlisted entries will be subject to negotiation with the copyright holders.

4.5. The AOI reserves the right to cancel the competition or any element thereof should insufficient entries be received or any other circumstance arise that makes it necessary for the AOI to cancel the competition or any part of the competition. The AOI has no financial obligation to any entrant for cancellation, and no compensation shall be due.

4.6. The World Illustration Awards are organised and administered by The AOI in the UK.

4.7. These terms and conditions shall be governed by English Law.

4.8. Data shared with the AOI as part of the WIA competition will be shared with the Directory of Illustration as a delivery partner. The AOI will use the data in line with its privacy policy and UK GDPR legislation. However, Directory of Illustration is based in the USA and as such is not required to follow these rules.

4.9. The AOI reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time during the competition.

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