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2020 | Category Winner + Overall Winner + Longlist + Shortlist | Children's Publishing
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    Hello! My name is Mariajo. I was born in Madrid where I studied Illustration at the school of art, Arte 10. I’ve been a freelance illustrator since then, completing projects for a wide range of clients with some personal projects along the way. A few years after I finished my studies as an illustrator, I moved to Bath where I studied Graphic Communication at Bath Spa University. I believe learning never stops, so I am currently studying a Masters in Children´s Books Illustration, at Anglia Ruskin University, pursuing my dream of become a children's books illustrator/ author. I love experimenting with a lot of materials and getting my hands dirty but also using my computer. By exploring new ways of working, learning from a diverse range of people and discovering new places my imagination is fuelled. Every project is different and teaches me new things. I will never lose the excitement of a new commission. I LOVE what I do, so I am always ready for a new challenge!
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    AOI comms
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