Shortlist showcase

Shortlist showcase

Here we shine a spotlight on Category and Cross Category Winners, Highly Commended and Shortlisted projects. The showcase contains curated lists, sponsor and jury highlights, winner details and lots of exciting extra materials such as illustrator interviews, judges reflections and more.

You can also view projects on our project listing page.

longlist carousel

shortlist carousel

interview carousel

winner carousel

highly commended carousel

cross cat carousel

Judges Highlights

New Talent

Su Yun Song – Absolute Me!


Inma Hortas -Pride Illustration Collection: Inma Hortas x Playbook


Mavis – Marvel Up Your Routine

New Talent

Ciel Chen – Girls in New York City

This is a great example of how you can use illustration to convey a brands tone of voice with no words – it’s cheeky, charming and fun. The Absolut branding feels part of the image and doesn’t feel at all forced or out of place. It’s full of personality and executed really well.

Anna Loveland. Judge in Advertising Category

Each of these illustrations have so much personality – they are bright, vibrant and an unapologetic celebration of pride.

Anna Loveland. Judge in Advertising Category

This was so beautiful to look at… The illustrator has a lovely art style and I love the way they have created these frame-able shots of New York using a bold colour pallet on B&W. I can see they have perhaps had inspiration from art-nouveau portraits with their character’s profile. Looking at Art on Ink it’s also a perfect ad. Love it.

Ariana Balsaras. Judge in Advertising Category

This idea is like nothing i have ever seen before for something as boring as toothpaste, it’s engaging, fun and put a massive smile on my face. The illustrations have brought the idea to life in a totally original and fun way – making a toothpaste full of personality.

Anna Loveland. Judge in Advertising Category

Illustrator Interviews










The Association of Illustrators has run a juried illustration competition since 1976. The latest incarnation, the World Illustration Awards in partnership with the Directory of Illustration, has been going strong and growing since 2015.

WIA focuses on supporting and celebrating creativity internationally, by connecting illustrators with their peers and the global illustration industry. 

The Awards are split into two groups: New Talent and Professional. All work, commissioned or self-initiated, is accepted across the ten categories as long as it has been created within the past year before the Call for Entries closes.

With gratitude to our sponsors

14th June 2024

World Illustration Awards 2024 -Longlist Announced!
WIA2024 - a global celebration of great illustration.
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