Woojin Jeon
Chimney Sweeper

An Image Book: A Day with Berlin's Chimney Sweeper


Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
As the entire town was shrouded in mysterious smoke, there are chimney sweep in a classic uniform on the rooftops. The people in the neighborhood, embracing him as part of their lives amidst the smoky atmosphere, provided me with a refreshing experience. Even though chimneys are gradually disappearing from the village, I create this work to pay homage to him, a guardian of romantic nostalgia.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
Primarily digital work, with some portions initially drawn on paper with watercolor and later digitally colored.

How were your illustrations used:
The series was created for picture books and posters, self-promotion pieces

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

She is an illustration artist based in Berlin, originally from South Korea. Her academic background is in fine arts, and she has also worked as a designer. She focuses on projects including clay animation and digital illustration, expressing her unique voice with witty humor.
