Tommy Parker
Weather and seasons


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Netflix commissioned me to create a series of simple animated loops to be used on email newsletters. The newsletters, originally, would use the user's general location to detect what the weather would be like and recommend shows to watch if it was looking bad (too hot, too cold, etc.). Later, these would be changed to seasonal illustrations, sent out every 3 months, as it was less intrusive.

How was the illustration used:
Email campaigns and potentially on the Netflix app

How did you make this work:
I used primarily Photoshop for illustrating the image, but used a combination of Photoshop and After Effects to animate them. Some required the use of a particle physics engine to run smoothly (for example, the snow).

Commissioner Name :
Avi Naim + Ursula Tran
Commissioner Company :

Social Media:

Personal Website:
Agent Website:

Currently Based:
Devon, UK

Drawing from my desk on the south coast of Devon, I illustrate for a variety of clients, big and small. From branding and editorial, to book covers and GIFs, my work focuses primarily on dynamic characters and bold colours.

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