Sven Bellanger
Hidden soil life 2023 Stamps (Bpost)

Science & Technology

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Small life under our feet, in and on the ground, is often overlooked and underappreciated. To draw attention to this theme, Bpost wished for a scientifically accurate issue and together we chose the 5 most common and recognizable species. I loved the artistic challenge of combining the scientific aspect with an original and most creative representation possible.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
The first step was to collect and analyze scientific data and reference material. After searching for each species for the optimal pose and composition in multiple sketches, I drew each of them in black and white with pen and ink (stipple technique). Color was added with colored pencils and afterwards brought together and the whole was finished using digital techniques.

How were your illustrations used:
They were used for a special 2023 edition issue for the Belgian postal service (Bpost), entitled 'Hidden soil life'. The sheet with 5 stamps is still available on the Belgian Post webshop.

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Currently Based:

Sven is a qualified & experienced scientific illustrator based in Belgium who is curious for the natural world, its functioning and its history. He enjoys capturing and expressing that fascination in a visual aesthetic and useful way.
