Su Yun Song
Absolut Me!


Un-commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
This was a school project assigned to illustrate an Absolut Vodka campaign as if the student were commissioned to respond personally as famous artist. While presenting the main product, the illustration also intends to express the artist's interest of combining playful imagery with quiet humor.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
Digital illustration using Photoshop

How were your illustrations used:
The illustration was created as a print campaign featuring the Absolut Vodka bottle with their iconic headline, "Absolut...". Artists who collaborated with the campaign in the past have utilized the headline with their last name, such as "Absolut Warhol" or "Absolut Haring".

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Rhode Island School of Design

Currently Based:
United States of America (USA)

Su Yun is an illustrator and designer who loves combining playful imagery with a pinch of humor to engage her works with her audience. Born in Seoul, grew up in Shanxi China, and now studying in the U.S. at Rhode Island School of Design, her multicultural experience has enriched her creative insight and inspired her to create connections with people from various backgrounds.
