Somus & Hirakata Studio
Gochiso Festival


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Gochiso is a gastronomic festival that has been taking place since 2017, whose objective is to allow more to be known about Japanese history and culture. This Japanese word translates as delicacy or tasty food. But for the Nikkei (descendants of Japanese) it is much more than that, saying Gochiso is the same as saying party, celebration, moment to share with family and friends.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
The graphic exploration was in traditional pencil and then the sketch of the composition and the final art in digital color.

How were your illustrations used:
A close and friendly graphic style is sought to bring a new audience closer to the current one.

Commissioner Name :
Eloísa Hirakata
Commissioner Company :
Hirakata Studio
Commissioned for:
Hirakata Studio

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

‘Creativity and culture driven by positive change through Enlightenment’. Somus, a freelance illustrator based in Peru, with more than 10 years of experience, creates illustrations with a colorful, energetic, atmospheric style and with a nod influenced by her career in graphic design, achieving the goal of capturing the spirit of the story.