Scarlet Thomas
The Courtship of Mr Lyon

A speculative publishing project based on Angela Carter's short story, 'The Courtship of Mr Lyon'.


Un-commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
The brief was to create four images that represented a story from Angela Carter's 'The Bloody Chamber'. I chose 'The Courtship of Mr Lyon'. The four illustrations represent significant moments within the story and would stand alongside text in the context of a book.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
For this project, I used gouache and coloured pencil on pressed paper. I layered thin washes of colour to create depth and texture.

How were your illustrations used:
The illustrations were for my third year submission and are also part of my portfolio. I hadn't much experience in illustrating for a picture book. Still, I thoroughly enjoyed exploring this text, its themes, and creating atmospheric paintings to convey my ideas in a different format than I'm used to.

Social Media:

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Cambridge School of Art

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Scarlet Thomas is a recent Cambridge School of Art graduate, based in Cambridge and Oxford. Location and life drawing are at the core of all of her work. Colour, texture and composition are integral components of her practice and she enjoys experimenting with these through various media; ink, gouache, collage and printmaking. Her goal is to create atmosphere and evoke emotion through illustration.
