Petronela Dostalova
Missing - Help Find Happiness

A picture book about a missing cat called Happiness and the frantic search for it.

Children's Publishing

Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I created this book as a personal project. The book introduces responsibilities of pet ownership while playfully intertwining with the concept of impermanence of happiness. Through the missing pet’s name (Happiness) a message is delivered: happiness cannot be forced and that its delicate essence thrives when given space and when left alone and not incessantly sought after it finds its way back.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
traditional drawing, digital drawing, photoshop

How were your illustrations used:
The illustrations are part of a dummy picture book and also used in a portfolio. I would like to introduce the project to publishers.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Cambridge School of Art

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Petronela was born in the former Czechoslovakia. When she was 18 Petronela decided to live and study in Suffolk, UK where she received her arts degree. Soon after graduation she decided to enrol in the MA Children’s Book Illustration course at the Cambridge School of Art. She worked mainly in the children’s books sector but have done work for television in the past.
