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2024 | Longlist | Children's Publishing
  • Why did you create this work?
    Children book "Crazy Carpathian Story" was commissioned by Discursus Publishing House in Ukraine. The Illustrations are created to show the bright life of the ethnic Ukrainian Hutsul group at the Carpathian mountains. I wanted to paint funny characters and dynamic adventures.
  • How were your illustrations used?
    My main purpose was to gather references and rework them into my style for storytelling. I drew 90% of them using hand-made techniques, colour pencils. The aim was to create interesting and funny narrative storytelling that will not make kids bored
  • What materials and techniques did you use?
    I used mixed media ( 90 % color pencils + 10 % digital )
  • Was this project commissioned?
  • Commissioner Company
    Discursus Publishing House in Ukraine.
  • Commissioner Instagram
  • Personal Website or Portfolio Link
  • Instagram
  • Biography
    I am a visual artist. I specialize in illustration. I am from Ukraine and I studied graphic design at the Transcarpathian Art Institute. AWARDS: 2023 shortlist Bolognachildrensbookfair 2021 finalists Brightness Award 2020 Shortlist Tapirulan Illustrators Contest, Italy 2019 Premio INTERAZIONE, CONTEST D'ILLUSTRAZIONE Edizione 2013 Shortlist finalist KyrohinArtPrize long list, Russia
  • Where are you currently based?
Olesia SekereshOlesiaSekeresh_crazy_carpathian_story_1
Olesia SekereshOlesiaSekeresh_crazy_carpathian_story_1
Olesia SekereshOlesiaSekeresh_crazy_carpathian_sory_4
Olesia SekereshOlesiaSekeresh_crazy_carpathian_sory_3
Olesia SekereshOlesiaSekeresh_crazy_carpathian_sory_2