Nvard Yerkanian
Venice reflections


Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Venice, a city of duality, echoes with the clash of tourist noise and the serene whispers of its canals. Amidst the lively chaos, the canals reflect a parallel reality—tranquil and contemplative. Light orchestrates the dance, revealing the silent elegance beneath the bustling surface. I wanted to illustrate the poetry of Venice, inviting viewers to discover how the locals see and experience it.

What materials and techniques did you use?:

How were your illustrations used:
After a morning walk in Venice, when the city is not yet filled with tourists, I felt a desire to seize the moment and reveal the silent poetry hidden beneath the bustling surface.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Nvard is an Armenian illustrator and graphic designer based in Venice. She co-founded and curates the WHY Festival in Florence. Renowned for her 'Fragile Concrete' series, she draws inspiration from architecture, urban landscapes, and cultural heritage. Her bold, colourful work reflects her passion for art, history, and politics, creating visually compelling and thought-provoking illustrations.
