Niv Tishbi
Flower Toss at the Opera

A mural at the Opera House, the Cameri Theater and the Tel Aviv Museum of Art's Parking Area

Site Specific

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
A mural for the underground parking lot of the Israeli Opera and Tel Aviv Museum of Art. The mural depicts a theatrical scene with four characters that resemble iconic figures such as Pierrot and the Phantom of the Opera, walking towards the stairs as if coming off the stage, while flowers are thrown at them at the show's end.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
Hand-painted with acrylic wall paint.
Inspired by Cubism and Italian Futurism, the stage lights create a geometric division into the shapes and the color surfaces.

How were your illustrations used:

Commissioner Name :
Tal Lanir (Project Curator)
Commissioner Company :
Tel Aviv Museum, Tel Aviv Yafo municipality and Ahuzot Hahof parking company.

Social Media: Carnival is his third solo show, following Snooze, at the Jaffa Port Warehouse (2017) and Lifetime Achievement at Rothschild 69, Tel Aviv (2014).

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Niv Tishbi (B. 1986) is a multi-disciplinary artist. Graduated with honors from 'Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design' Jerusalem in 2012. Currently living and working in Tel Aviv in different fields of visual art (sculpture, painting, illustration, printmaking and more). His primary focus centers on sculpture and site-specific installations, crafting immersive experiences.
