Mina Braun
Growing Together

How to regrow vegetables from leftovers


Un-commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Exhibition or installation

How did you make this work:
After I learned about ways to regrow vegetables from leftovers, I wanted to share the instructions with others. This inspired my Risograph printed zine "Growing Together", where a group of neighbours gets to know each other by passing on ideas for how to regrow vegetables. Creating the zine I wanted to make a piece about sustainability as well as community, exploring the visual language of comics.

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Currently Based:

Mina Braun was born in Germany. She studied illustration in Kassel/Germany and at Edinburgh College of Art/UK. Today she lives in Berlin, where she works as a freelance illustrator and printmaker. The children’s novel “Billabongkoenig”, which Mina illustrated for Beltz & Gelberg, is currently nominated for the German award of children’s literature.

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