Maus Baus
Eye Schtick

Design Product & Packaging

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Jamie Greenberg asked me to design many different characters for her brand new eye shadow stick called the 'Eye Schtick'. I'm thankful for her awesome team that, because of the bold and strong women I often like to illustrate, had me introduced to her. The playful attitude of those characters were a perfect match for the brand identity of Jamie Makeup.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
I always start with pencil, and eventually bring it to life in Illustrator. For me it's important, even though the final product is digital, to have a handmade signature in my work. I would say: Don't go full digital from the start, because talent is in your own hands.

How were your illustrations used:
The many illustrations of bold characters and patterns were used on the container of the eye shadow stick, the 'Schtick' itself, and all kinds of promotional goodies. Because Jamie Greenberg is a celebrity makeup artist, the illustrations were also used on a giftbox that was send to celebrities to promote her latest invention. Also nice: They gave me the freedom to design all packages myself.

Commissioner Name :
Jamie Greenberg
Commissioner Company :
Jamie Makeup
Commissioned for:

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Maus Bullhorst creates editorial illustrations for Dutch media such as Trouw, de Volkskrant and VPRO Gids. He also sharpens his pencil for international clients like Kia, Blowhammer and The Guardian. To him, an illustration is not a literal translation from text to image, but it creates a deeper level.
