Martin Beckett
The Explorer


Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
The image was created for a group exhibition by Illustrator Ireland celebrating the work of Tomi Ungerer entitled, 'In memory of the future'. Each exhibitor was asked to reflect a piece of work by Ungerer and respond it in their style. My choice was a sketch Ungerer did whilst on his travels entitled, 'Wanderer crosses a ravine in Gebrigslandschaft'.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
The work has been physically sculpted, painted and photographed, with minor digital touching up in post.

How were your illustrations used:
In an exhibition and online promoting the exhibition.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

One Tree Studio are Martin and Joanne Beckett. They work in three distinct mediums, plasticine, paper and digital drawing. Their work has taken them into the world of books, games, greetings cards, advertising and editorial. They have also been lucky enough to have had their works exhibited throughout Ireland and the UK. Although based in Ireland they work Worldwide.
