Mari Kinovych
A book cover "Our. Common." by Tania Kasian

Book Covers

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
It was a very important project for me because this book is about accepting the inevitable. "Our. Common." helps to go from denying the war to accepting reality and the actual future. It is brilliantly written by Tania Kasian — a writer, journalist, and public activist. The author particularly asked to depict the sea, because she was raised in Mariupol and this is a significant symbol for her.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
It is a digital illustration created in Procreate.

How were your illustrations used:
It is a soft cover book, published in 2023.

Commissioner Name :
Tetiana Voloshyna
Commissioner Company :
Laboratoria Publishin House

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Mari Kinovych is a Ukraine-based illustrator working and living in Kyiv. Her projects range from ad commercials to book covers. Having worked with calligraphy, animation, and graphics design, she is always trying to use something new and experiment with combining different approaches.
