Margherita Paoletti
Sonde Croniche (Chronic Probes)

A visual diary about chronic diseases.


Un-commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Exhibition or installation, Experimentation

How did you make this work:
Sonde Croniche is a visual diary. It started during a disorienting and painful time. Lea is the protagonist’s name, an alter-ego that fights taboos, disabilities, pain, and more. Lea faces adversities like a contemporary warrior adorned by speaking tattoos that mutate accordingly to their emotions. They live in a surrealistic universe where fear and pain are transformed in weird and fun creatures.

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Margherita Paoletti is an Italian illustrator. She graduated at IED in Rome in Illustration and Animation, later on she attended artistic residencies in Estonia and Japan. After few years abroad, Margherita decided to move back to Italy where she started her collaboration with art galleries, magazines, companies and developing cultural projects with museums.

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