Lyne Lucien
Available Zine

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Alex Neason commissioned me to create the cover for her zine with embedded illustrations about the subtle moments of joy during the Covid isolation period.

How was the illustration used:
As the Zine cover art and embeds throughout.

How did you make this work:
I conceived the art direction and executed all visual assets for this story.

Commissioner Name :
Alex Neasson
Commissioner Company :
Available Zine
Commissioned for:

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Bowdoin College
Year of Graduation:

Currently Based:
New York

Lyne Lucien is a Haitian illustrator based in Brooklyn. She studied German and Film at Bowdoin College. She has worked in creative at various publications from New York Magazine to The Daily Beast to Architectural Digest.  Lyne is most recently a Society of Illustrators 64 winner, an American Illustration 40 Award Winner, and a finalist for the Artbridge - Not a Monolith Residency.  

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