Luis Rendon
American fear culture and guns


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
This was an assignment that I knew would be challenging. I only had a couple of hours to complete it and there was not much to the brief beyond the working headline, about American's paranoia, fear, and love of guns that was making it a dangerous place to live.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
I first sketched out eyes that looked paranoid and this idea of peeking out of a window really stuck with me. The image of someone in a home holding a gun but looking out felt pretty powerful. When I realized I could make this deconstructed flag become my window blinds I was set. The entire piece was then made in Illustrator with the pen and shape tools.

How were your illustrations used:
The illustration was used as the main art for the story on our website and was pushed out to our partners and across our social media channels.

Commissioner Name :
Elizabeth Brockway
Commissioner Company :
The Daily Beast

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United States of America (USA)

Luis G. Rendon is a Tejano visual journalist who lives in New York City. He has a journalism degree from Syracuse University and has worked in various newsrooms including the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, The San Francisco Chronicle and The New York Post.
