Louise Rosenkrands
Ærøskøbing Tourist map/poster


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Create a fun and visually interesting Tourist map of the fairytale town of Ærøskøbing. The map had to function both as a large poster and as a foldable map, to put in your pocket

How was the illustration used:
printed poster and foldable map

How did you make this work:
I love drawing maps and this particular one really had my heart, because I know the city from childhood summer holidays and I have friends who live there. My map is an updated version of an old poster from the 1960's, and I wanted to create something you can look at for a long time. I drew the entire map by hand, in full scale and coloured it digitally.

Commissioner Name :
Louise Moloney
Commissioner Company :
Danish Island weddings

Personal Website:

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