MPU 2024 Mandarin Annual Drama - Illustrated

Macau Polytechnic University Slender Circus Society 2024 Mandarin Drama: Count of Wulong Mountain


Commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
I am a member of the Marketing Department of the Thin Circus Theatre Society at the Macau Polytechnic University. In order to promote the performance of the Count of Wulong Mountain in Mandarin Drama Night 2024 at the Macau Polytechnic University, I have created illustrated posters that match the script。

What materials and techniques did you use?:
In the early stages of painting, Procreate painting software was used for painting creation, with elements designed according to the plot. The entire plot was suspenseful, and lighting was used to simulate the scene of a detective handling a case. Later, Photoshop painting software was used to delve into details. Finally, use Adobe Illustrator software for text layout

How were your illustrations used:
My illustrated poster will be used for the 2024 Putonghua annual drama poster promotion of Macao Polytechnic University. The poster will be published on the WeChat official account of Macao Polytechnic Theatre Leopard, printed and posted on the school.I really enjoy detective movies and paintings, and this artwork is also created to pay tribute to detective movies and paintings

Commissioner Name :
Commissioner Company :
Macau Polytechnic University Slim Circus Society

Social Media:

Macao Polytechnic University

Currently Based:

I come from China and am currently studying art at the Macau Polytechnic University in Macau. I work in the publicity department of the school's Thin Circus Drama Society, where I draw posters for the school's annual drama nights and grand performances
