Art in Art Museum

Un-commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
While I was touring art museums at NYC, I realized I tend to observe people in the museum more than the art itself. It almost felt like I saw art in those people as well as the masterpieces. So I created this series to challenge the notion of what is true art in art museum; is it the art itself, or the people who appreciate the art, or the people who are indifferent to the art?

How was the illustration used:

How did you make this work:
Images of black background represent DIA: Beacon museum, and the other images represent Whitney Museum. The color palette of each images followed the ambience of the museums. I hope to hang these pieces in a gallery to further enhance the meaning of the series; people observing the pieces that represent themselves will eventually think that they may as well be represented in the pieces.

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NYU Tisch School of the Arts Film and TV Major Former Digital Video Producer at CJ Entertainment and Media, Seoul, Korea Now wandering around the world trying to create and represent my unique visual language
