Jennifer N. R. Smith | WonderTheory

The Wild Wonders of Bioluminescence

Book Covers

Commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Book Cover/s

How did you make this work:
I fell in love with the subject of bioluminescence after unexpectedly witnessing sea sparkle for the first time. I developed a fascination with the phenomenon, and pitched my idea for a children's book. Working with designer Kate Haynes, we explored different printing techniques, deciding on selectively using fluorescent spot printing with expanded gamut, so the illustrations seem to really glow!

Commissioner Name :
Anna Ridley
Commissioner Company :
Thames and Hudson

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Jennifer N. R. Smith is an award-winning illustrator and the director of WonderTheory Studio, based in Bristol. She studied Drawing at Camberwell, UAL, and is also a qualified scientific and medical illustrator, using her creative and technical training in tandem. She has worked with clients such as Thames and Hudson, Virago, Wildfire, Penguin Random House and The British Library.

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