Jennifer N. R. Smith | WonderTheory
Below The Edge of Darkness, by Dr Edith Widder, Book Jacket illustration

Book Covers

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I was commissioned by Little Brown Book Group to illustrate the cover of Below the Edge of Darkness, a science memoir by deep sea explorer Dr Edith Widder. They wanted the cover to capture the beauty of deep sea bioluminescence, Dr Widder's speciality as a marine biologist.

How was the illustration used:
A book Jacket

How did you make this work:
I was given the brief by book designer Sophie Harris, who worked with me on the composition ideas and typography for this project.This is a digital work influenced by collage, paper marbling, and traditional drawing. I watched lots of documentaries about deep sea bioluminescence, and sketched compositions as I watched and learnt about the subject.

Commissioner Name :
Sophie Harris
Commissioner Company :
Little Brown Book Group
Commissioned for:
Virago, an imprint of Little Brown Book Group

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
Bristol, UK

Jennifer N. R. Smith is an award-winning illustrator and the director of WonderTheory Studio, based in Bristol. She studied Drawing at Camberwell, UAL, and is also a qualified scientific and medical illustrator, using her creative and technical training in tandem. She has worked with clients such as Thames and Hudson, Virago, Wildfire, Penguin Random House and The British Library.


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