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2024 | Longlist + Shortlist | Site Specific
  • Why did you create this work?
    I was commissioned to design and paint two murals in Italian chain Zizzi, in Farnham. For the murals I was looking for commonalities between Italy and Farnham. I looked to history for inspiration, and Farnham's reputation for pottery during the roman era. I focussed on the theme of Roman banquets, combining Italian culture with Farnham's through the ceramic vessels that held the food.
  • How were your illustrations used?
    Zizzi Italian restaurant, Farnham
  • What materials and techniques did you use?
    Acrylic paint
  • Was this project commissioned?
  • Commissioner Company
    Zizzi Italian restaurant
  • Commissioner Instagram
  • College / University
    University for the Creative Arts
  • Course and graduation date
    Illustration, 3rd July 2023
  • Instagram
  • Biography
    Izzy is an illustrator based in West Sussex, and is a recent Illustration graduate from UCA Farnham.
  • Where are you currently based?
    United Kingdom (UK)
Izzy BarrettIzzyBarrett_Zizzimural_image1