Ivyy Chen
Accessing Primary Care with a Learning Disability

Surrey Heartlands


Commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Brand campaign (online), Social Media Campaign

How did you make this work:
Strange beast collaborated with researchers at Surrey Heartlands with The SunnyBank Trust to produce an insightful short film based on real-life experiences of people with a learning disability, exploring their experience of accessing Primary Care services, and Annual Health Checks in particular.

Commissioner Company :
Surrey Heartlands
Commissioned for:
The SunnyBank Trust

Social Media:
instagram.com/ ivyychen_com

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Ivyy Chen is an animator, illustrator and director originally from Taiwan and now based in London. She has a strong design sensibility and is versatile enough to adjust her style according to any brief, making her an ideal candidate for creative collaboration. Ivyy has produced work for Greenpeace and Oxford sparks amongst others.

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