Cell : The molecular fingerprint of life

Science & Technology

Un-commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
Idea started with a question. Who a scientist is? I believe scientists are very similar to crime scene investigators. An investigator would look for evidences in order to find the criminal. Researcher carry out the exact same task but in a world that is microscopic (cell). Fingerprints are best to describe investigation scene hence I wanted to imagine what a cell would look inside a fringerprint.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
I used Procreate to create this illustration.

How were your illustrations used:
This illustration was used on the T-shirt of a biological research institute in India. The t-shirt illustration also had a magnifying glass surrounding and focusing the cellular fingerprint, depicting scientific investigation.

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He is a molecular biologist by training but an artist by heart. His interest lies in the intersection of science, art, and design. He has a passion for the natural world's wonders and the creative expression of art. He envision himself telling visual stories both still and motion, that are not just creative but also thought provoking.
