Gail Armstrong
The Maid

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I was commissioned by Harper Collins to make these all white, paper sculpture illustrations for Nita Prose’s debut novel “The Maid”. A charming whodunnit tale of Molly, the hotel maid, “who sees things that others don’t”. The images lead us into the world of the Regency Grand Hotel where things are not always as squeaky clean as they might appear.

How was the illustration used:
On the front cover the entrance section of the hotel forms the ‘do not disturb’ hanger on a hotel room door handle with details picked out in gold foil.

How did you make this work:
These all white, paper sculpture illustrations began with research to design the hotel and characters. Carefully planned in drawings, I cut the required shapes with a scalpel, then curved, scored, embossed and glued the various pieces to form the elements of images. I photographed each section and worked in Photoshop to accurately place the elements in the final composition of each illustration.

Commissioner Name :
Andrew Davis
Commissioner Company :
Harper Collins Publishers Ltd

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Currently Based:

A London-based illustrator, I originally studied at Glasgow School of Art. Represented by IllustrationX, I have been working as an illustrator specialising in paper sculpture for over 30 years. In that time I have worked for a wide range of clients, across all sectors, all around the world, but my fascination with the humble piece of paper, and what can be created from it, has never waned.


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