Franz Anthony
Plates of Ancient Life

Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Illustrations of ancient life are dominated by dinosaurs, while other creatures are often portrayed as dull brown or black critters. Through the project, I aim to bring various extinct animals back to life in full color.

How was the illustration used:
Sold as posters and t-shirts

How did you make this work:
By observing colors of living animals and how they affect each creature's lifestyles, I applied the same principle to said fossil creatures.

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Franz is an Indonesian-born and raised illustrator specializing in illustrating the natural world, both living an extinct. His educational projects have reached the international audience through books, videos, and museums in North America and Australia. Recently, he focuses on illustrating the often forgotten animals of the past—fossil invertebrates. On twitter, he yells about weird animals that nobody cares about.
