Eva Neirynck illustrator
Bird and Ino

A children's book about mental health: Ino is supported by his hidden friend bird.

Children's Publishing

Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I've written and illustrated this children's book about a child, Ino and his best friend, Bird. It's an inseparable duo, that colorful, cheerful Ino and his friend Bird, feathered in the deepest black. A story about a child with a metaphorical backpack who is learning to break through his hidden fears. I based this story loosely on my nephew and his overthinking and sensitive nature.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
I made these illustrations in soft, lightfast, waxy pencils. As a kind of collage, I drew the elements separate and digitally I've put them together in one coherent image.

How were your illustrations used:
Selfpromotion - portfolio: this image is used as a book inside illustration. Up to now, I've finished a storyboard and several illustrated spreads. My final goal is to have this story published as a finished children's book.

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Currently Based:

Eva Neirynck is an awardwinning illustrator from Ghent (BE). Eva finished her MA in Design at the Piet Zwart institute Rotterdam (NL), followed by an illustration course in Paris (FR). Eva illustrated for (Belgian) magazines and is working with publishers on different children's books, but also makes XL murals. She often draws soft and sensitive subjects.
