Dàlia Adillon
Amelia Earhart, Little Guides to Great Lives

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Dàlia Adillon is originally from Barcelona but currently based in Bristol, UK. For as long as she can remember she has always loved to draw. She views illustration as a language, and her means of expression and communication. She says ‘Art is a passion, chocolate a weakness and nature my inspiration’

How was the illustration used:
Children's Book

How did you make this work:
The illustration has been based on a careful study of documentation, but also looking for a certain stylization, to create an attractive image and at the same time to reinforce, through the form, the content of the images. The technique used is mixed. The illustrations are rich in textures. Using only three colors and mixing them created from the transparency and juxtaposition of the inks.

Commissioner Company :
Laurence King Publisher

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