Col McElwaine
How to disappear in plain sight

This illustration was created to accompany the story How to disappear in plain sight


Commissioned | New Talent

How were your illustrations used? :
Experimentation, Magazine or newspaper inside or spot illustration/s, Self Promotion/portfolio

How did you make this work:
Created as an exploration of narrative within illustration and motion in response to the story "How to disappear in plain sight." Focussing on the person looking out the window I wanted to show their reflected double fade in the background. The story focuses on the dual self created from our daily actions and the ability to disappear within those actions.

Commissioner Name :
Emily Riches
Commissioner Company :

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Queensland College of art

Currently Based:

Col McElwaine is an Australian illustrator and designer with a focus on editorial, packaging and motion. Currently based in Meanjin Col has experience working as a designer and is currently studying at the Queensland College of Art.

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