Clare Owen
Big Burnout

A metaphor for my mental state in 2023!


Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I created this after an intense period of commissioned work. I wanted something to share that represented where I was at emotionally and helped me cathartically. Through stylistic choices I wanted to represent a POV and visual language that is intrinsically mine and chose simplicity to rebel against the heavily art directed projects I had been previously working on.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
I used scanned gouache textures and vector shapes made in illustrator and then taken to photoshop to create this piece.

How were your illustrations used:
I shared them on socials and my website.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Plymouth University

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Clare is a Cornish maid living in Bristol and has been working as a freelance illustrator since she graduated in 2009.She loves using bold shapes, colour and texture to create a way of working that has been described as ‘fun, yet sophisticated'Select clients include Penguin, Air BnB, Anthropologie, John Lewis, Elle, Martha Stewart, The Telegraph, Hallmark, The Guardian and M & S.
