Christopher DeLorenzo
HOKA - Say Yes to Less


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
To communicate HOKA's sustainability efforts and their connection to nature by using less materials and less waste in the production of their product. HOKA strives to create a seamless harmony between their products and the earth we enjoy them on.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
hand sketched, and digitally recreated. After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop.

How were your illustrations used:
dedicated website and associated social accounts and multimedia venues.

Commissioner Name :
Adam Larson
Commissioner Company :

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United States of America (USA)

Christopher DeLorenzo is a graphic artist living and working in Massachusetts. He is known for his bold and clear drawings that balance wit with wonder and bridging ideas through the foundations of shapes and a continuity of line. You can find his work all over the world; on the sides of buildings in England, on a coffee cup in Australia, and even a carwash in Belgium.
