Chen Yu-lin
The Most Beautiful Place in Taiwan: Map of National Parks

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Graduated from Utrecht School of the Arts, NL. Editorial Design, MA. Love nature, walking and talking to cats. Love painting, and the subtle things and emotions during painting. Hope to live and paint with elegance one day.2017 illustrations selected by Nami Island International Picture Book Illustration Concours 2015-2016 illustrations selected successively by Bologna Children’s Book Fair

How was the illustration used:
in books

How did you make this work:
These illustrations take the readers to the most beautiful landscape in Taiwan: from geography to nature, from culture to various wonderful creatures As the artist illustrating this book, through creating this piece of art, I got to know more about the place I live and am deeply thrilled by the rich natural resources and the breathtaking beauty of this small island.

Commissioner Company :
Linking Publishing Company

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I was born and grew up in Taiwan. When I was a child, I loved to be close to nature, seeing the trees, flowers, and animals. I began painting since I was a primary school student. I tried to draw what I see and what I imagine and found out that painting made me calm and happy. After getting a master degree in design in the Netherlands, I decided to move back to Taiwan and start my career in illustration since I knew that what I love and I will never get tired of painting. Now every day, I'm happy to use my pen to express myself or help others to convey their thoughts, and I will continue doing this till forever.

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