Carles G.O’D.
Political Spam

Meet the political spam artists whose relentless pleas for money clog your inbox


Commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Magazine or newspaper inside or spot illustration/s

How did you make this work:
Illustration for an article exploring the production of political spam emails in the US, which follows an almost-industrial process. Using an Escher-inspired architecture, I designed a machine-like structure that reveals the origin of spam emails, the desired reaction they hope to elicit, and their economic impact. A perpetual cycle that continuously repeats itself,

Commissioner Name :
Brandon Ferrill
Commissioner Company :
The Washington Post Magazine

Social Media:

Personal Website:

School of Visual Arts

Currently Based:
United States of America (USA)

Carles García O’Dowd (1988) is a New York-based, Spanish-Irish artist originally from Mallorca. A Fulbright graduate from SVA, His career has been shaped by activism, counter-culture, pop music, and cartoons. Carles has lived and worked in Barcelona, Hamburg, Mexico, Marseille, London, and the U.S. and currently balances illustration commissions with gallery work. Represented by Illustration X

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